Well there is a rumour that jb is doing a live chat on the 15th. We are not sure if it's true,but we'll see.
If you go to this link www1.wsvn.com/news/main/entertainment/ you will see a jonas interview from South Florida. It's on the right.
There was this next rumour how disney will show pieces of clips from Camp Rock and J.O.N.A.S. Well i wanna make sure,so i have my camera here and the tv on. I will not change the channel until an hour later,just to make sure. If i do get it on my camera, I'll add it later on in the week.
And well since disney is turned into disney latino,i decided to visit the spanish site.
I decided that if you can't beat them, join them and I keep on missing the Hannah Montana 3D commercial where kevin takes a BIG jump,but
Dot com top 3 for march 08th. WYLMITE is #1, See You Again is #2 and SOS is #3. Congrats boys! :)
Disney Latino
Well they are all over disneylatino as you can see.
1.Talking with Kevin Jonas on Radio Disney Latin America
"Nos enteramos por internet que tenemos fans en Latinoamérica", es lo que dijo Kevin Jonas cuando le preguntamos si ya sabían lo famosos que se han hecho y que su música es un éxito. "Tenemos unos fans que son increíbles. Es emocionante saber que hay gente que nos sigue en lugares donde no hemos estado", nos comentó. More here http://www.radiodisney-py.disneylatino.com/front.app/getNew.do?newsId=53
The Whole Thing In English-
we found out by Internet that we have fans in Latin America", it is what Kevin Jonas said when we asked to him if already the famous thing knew that they have become and that its music is a success. "We have fans that is incredible. He is exciting to know that there is people who follow to us in places where we do not have been ", commented to us. We spoke of its second disc that includes a collaboration with Mylie Cyrus and it anticipated to us that in August it will leave the third disc the most famous brothers of music. Kevin, Nick and Joe Jonas rolled the Camp film Rock that we will see this year by Disney Channel. Kevin advanced details to us of history and also we spoke of J.O.N.A.S. its series of television that will have much action and espionage. The interview it you will be able to listen to the next week in all our chain.
2.SOS is the only song from JB on the countdown there and it's #19,so vote! :) (it's VOTAR) http://www.radiodisney-py.disneylatino.com/ranking.jsp
3.If you look up Jonas Brothers here
http://disneylatino.com/DisneyChannel/videoplayer/ you can watch I wanna be like you,hold on and Kids of the future. Sadly they don't have sos or when you look me in the eyes.
My throat is getting real sore and there is two tests i need to take on Tuesday. So kali and i have alot of pressure on ourselves now :( So we might not blog until Wednesday or so.
kjonas :)
EDIT: i finally got the video where kevin jumps. Sorry for the bad quality and noise in the background. In this house, you can never tape a video without the unwanted noise.
Kevin's Jump is at 0:02
I will 2 more videos soon. I have to go right now though!!! :(
kjonas :)
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