Friday, June 27, 2008

Holi holi holi...Happy Jolidays!!

Kali here!! Ok I'm supposed to break the hiatus tomorrow but exams are over and i'm just in a jolly mood...


Ok we know Camp Rock was a huge success but according to Tommy2 (which btw has a new cover) the Camp Rock premiere on ABC ranked the Top Summer Saturday Entertainment Telecast on Any Broadcast Network in Nearly 6 Years!! (8.2 million viewers).

Also Burnin' Up is now available on iTunes...clicky clicky

Apparently Burnin' Up will be on Kidzbop 14 (ewww..)

They're also one of the top artists on iTunes! I'm so --ugh!!! -- missing my iTunes days (those were the days *sigh*)


Absolutely none!!!


ahem *cough cough*


Well, I can't believe Kj forgot to post this

Burnin' Up cover!I don't know why my friends don't like it -- I LOVE it!! Joe looks sooo....smexy... If you look closely you'll find names of songs from the album.

It also comes with the CDVU+ which means...lots and lots of content woot!!!

JB performed in Copenhagen yesterday and some photos from a photoshoot there was released.

EDIT by kjonas.
Do i have to do everything?? Welcome back to the blogspot. I am making a post ASAP which will have the info that i emailed kali.

kjonas :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes kali. no videos, but i emailed u about 4 times, the same info!!!!! oh my jonas. now i have to do it all over. SIGH!!!!!!!