Monday, May 25, 2009

Paranoid Official Music Video

I know we haven't blogged in a while.. but right now exams are in progress till the ending of June.

As many of you know, the premiere of the music video for Paranoid, jb's first single of their album Lines Vines & Trying Times premiered on Saturday night..

Here's the video:

we'll blog when we can

kjonas :)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Might Be Coming Back Permanantly

I know we said that we were closing down.. but.. we are thinking about opening it back..

Maybe or maybe not

If we are opening back.. we'll only update twice a week..
Because we have exams.. all the time.. and school is a challenge. Especially since we aren't doing our best :(

The premiere of JONAS was yesterday and it was a success with tons of views across the US and other countries

Next week's episode is Groovy Movies which features videos of when the jonas' were younger and also frankie is in this episode

JONAS "Wrong Song" Part 1

JONAS "Wrong Song" Part 2

JONAS "Wrong Song" Part 3

JONAS "Wrong Song" Part 4

credit to DisneyXclusive :)

we're looking forward to continue blogging..

kjonas & kali jonas