Friday, February 29, 2008

Freaky Friday on disney

good evening! well kali and i we're arguing today (nothin big) about who's doing the most work.It's obviously me!! and she thinks about changin the layout to this. well the background.

On,there are some new tourdates where JB will be in UK with Avril. You can go check that out and well i won't blog much today,because i need to help clear downstairs with my mom.

Oh and WYLMITE is #5 or 8. NOT SURE.

Oh and is it just my tv,or is DISNEY showing commercials and stuff in spanish. I saw them just advertise the hannah montana 3D movie (which was early on this month?) and it's all in spanish.And Spanish drives me nuts!! Wish me LUCK
(IN YOUR FACE KALI!! I CAME B4 U!) sorry,but she was only complaining about who was coming online first. I was the second one to leave class!! so HA! :D

kjonas :)

EDIT: well now i can update. kinda.

New myspace blog-

And the dates for the UK tourdates with avril lavigne!

Monday, 26 May, 2008,Tuesday 27/5/08,Saturday 31/5/08,Thursday 29/5/08,
Thursday 29/5/08,Friday 30/5/08,Friday 30/5/08,Tuesday 3/6/08,Tuesday 3/6/08,Wednesday 4/6/08.

Well for all the UK fansmake sure you get your tickets. Credit for Here's the link.

Oh yeah and the 2nd Life Story Magazine,you know? the's in stores now!

you can go pick that up if you want. I have the first life Story magazine and i so wanna get this one!!

Well i don't have scans from this one AS YET,but i will, like by the end of next week.

And i have another magazine related thing.It's on bop/tigerbeat mag.It's kinda old,but still.

AND i can't get enough of this,so you peoples go ahead to the link.
kjonas :)

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Move over Mandy!

Hi guys, it's kali. Quick blog cause I gotta go to bed - i was busy with homework and I'm just extremely tired.

Vote for When You Look Me In the Eyes on TRL.

Interviews: FOX (in LA) here and KUSI here or here (video)


Camp Rock Song

Contact!:Ever wanted to make a shout out to the Jonas Brothers?Want them to reply??You can! SayNow/Jonas

Great!So now I'm off to draw a shoe!Don't ask.

Oh, and remember if you ever want to 'friend' the Jonas Brothers you can on


Speaking of Myspace I was thinking of making my own personal Myspace and one for me KJ and this site <3 If only Myspace would load.Siigh.

Site Of The Month!!

well,not blogging for the rest of the week,didn't happen!! But today,i blog because i'm super bored.

Jonas news? Oh yeah! there's plenty,but kali is gonna blog about it. I just emailed her.

what I'm gonna blog about? hmm? our SOTM!!

Our SOTM is!! Congrats!!! I just told them like 15 minutes ago.

Well although we're not a site,(our site is deleted) we use the blogspot as a site! :)

So congrats to and please visit their site! :) :)

:- Welcome to JOE-JONAS.COM, the First and BIGGEST fansite for Joe Jonas, from the Jonas Brothers. Here you will find all the latest news, pictures, info, & more. Thanks for visiting!

I go to this site for news and most of the time,i do get news!! Sometimes i get it on my own,but this site is AWESOME!! and especially since it's for JOE!!
well kali will blog for the rest of the week,because i'm very buzy on friday,saturday and especially sunday!
kjonas :)

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Hey their grandads are alright.

hi. I tried my best to stay away from bloggin,but i just can't help it!!! OMJ!

Here's my note for today,well picture.

Well on TRL, When You Look Me In The Eyes is #5 now!! and well once the ladies week thing ends,hopefully we'll ACTUALLY see the video! :) I just know that it's gonna be #1 by hopefully the end of this week. I just voted for when you look me in the eyes on TRL and well,i told my other friends too.

I am very happy now! because in Geography, we have to do a project on recycling and well since jb we're doing the recycling thing and our group is answering questions on recycling plastic,it's even better!!
Also the rumour about how JB's grandfather died. It's ok. It's not true!!! here's their blog about it.
"Hey everyone!
Just wanted to let everyone know that ALL of our GRaNDFATHERS are OK.
There seems to be another rumor going around that our grandfather has died.
Thank you for all of your support and concern but they are all OK.
We appreciate you and your concern is wonderful.
Kevin, Joe and Nick
And if you didn't see the video that they we're talking about,here it is.
AND HOPEFULLY i will not blog for the rest of the week and email ALL the info to kali for her to blog either Friday or Saturday. I'll get the news,but i won't blog.
kjonas :)

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

When You Look Me In The Eyes

hello.well i promised myself that i wasn't gonna blog today,but i had too.

Well when you look me in the eyes is #6!!! I missed TRL yesterday,but i definetely saw it today!!

For the fans in UK, LUCKY PEOPLE!! because JB is gonna be in the UK! :)

And also LUCKY PEOPLE for the students in Kimball Middle School in IL. JB was there on 22/02/08 for the breakfast breaks. I know they performed Year 3000.

If you go to the bottom of the page shows Exclusive Video,so just click on it and u'll see the video if you didn't.

Oh yeah and the "jonas book" did it come out??
This is the book. (credit to for the picture of the book) There is another 2 books to come out,but i only have the picture for one of the two.
And the radio disney jams 10 cd? any1 got it?? I didn't. But i'm gonna get it later on next month. Might.
Jonas News?? Oh yeah. Credit to for it.
IN the second link they describe jb in many ways and we're obviously talkin about them. This is part of it.
The Jonas Brothers are guitar-wielding Kevin, 20; acrobatic vocalist Joe, 18, and plucky multi-instrumentalist Nick, 15, who can play guitar, drums and piano.
Well hopefully that's it for today,and well,now i gotta go beacuse i have spanish to do,again!!
kjonas :)

Monday, February 25, 2008

I've been to the year 3000

Only a couple of things to say
1.a myspace blog from yesterday-

2. I saw a commercial on MTV this evening with jb and their cd and when you look me in the eyes,and again,my camera was in my room (grr!!!) for all their songs (mostly when you look me in the eyes) on top 40 radio,radio disney,TRL!!! etc soon as i changed my channel,i heard the last few words of year 3000. "and ur great great great grand daughter.. is doing fine,doin fine. ha!"

5.i need to go now,bcuz it's after 9pm and i haven't finished my hw.

6.Garbo was sick,but he's now better!! check out his blogspot.Hey! we can't do a show without the bass guitarist of the band!!

kjonas :)

Sunday, February 24, 2008

So bored with these games

Hi again. Well goodnight.

1.When you look me in the eyes is #3 on the dot com top 3 for feb 21st 2008. (ok)

2.I will be able to see the three tv appearences by jb in march,bcuz school closes 20/02/08. (excellent!!)

3.WYLMITE is #5!!!!!!!!!! (last week #13) on radio disney top 30 countdown (awesome!!!)

4.SOS is #12 (last week #7) on radio disney top 30 countdown (at least they're on the countdown! :) )

5.I have no idea what else to say (bad) cold is gone!! (good!!)

7.i had an awesome time at the party today,although it was a kids party,i took alot of pics (might not ever be uploaded bcuz all electronic devices i have"except my laptop" are going nuts!!)

8.I have to go and HOPEFULLY kali will update sometime this week,if she doesn't, i will!!
AND u saw that i added the music player,since kali didn't!!
So i leave you with a picture of JB, and some news and a music player
kjonas :)

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Dream Boys

Hello everyone again.It's Kali.Just a quick update:

ElleGirl did a feature called '30 Ultimate Homecoming Dates' guess who was one of them?_? Not Nick, not Joe, not even Kevin! But all three of them!!!!

Click click!!

Also,Ashley is doing an interview with the Jonas Brothers!(Lucky for her!) Click here to go to her online magazine.

And guess what?! My dad's in Canada and most likely he'll get some JB CD for me...yeah that has nothing to do with anything but =D.

EDIT by kjonas: Well today wasn't really a day for me!! Why?? this is why...

1.i got up at 9:40am with a stuffy nose and my eyes infected. Why? because i cleaned my room last night and it was filled with dust.
2.My mp3 stopped working this morning (idk y) and my brothers,while they we're drivin their car(u know those mini jeeps for kids) and some part of the car,my earphones got hooked up and it was pulled so hard that the cord and the wire came out.
3.I have a painful headache!
4.Some of my shirts shrank in the wash
5.My new installed fan is shaking too much and i'm afraid the light bulb will land on my bed.
6.None of my friends are online,so i'm super bored
7.kali updated before me!!, but i still have some news.

1.Some news about them.
2. 3 tv dates to remember- March 21 - CBS Early Show, NY, NY
March 25 - Dancing with the Stars, LA
March 26 - Jimmy Kimmel Live, LA
3. Camp Rock soundtrack will be released June 10th.
4. An interview with
5. Just a random jb thing-
if you go to the kids corner on the last link ^^ you'll have an awesome time with the story thing!
kjonas :)

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Coca cola and lunar eclipse

Hello,well i have three videos to add. Well my favorites for the day
1.Jonas Brothers Crank That Soulja Boy
2.Jonas Brothers Crank That Soulja Boy (another one)
3.Soulja Boy-Yahh!

I like the 3 videos alot.But i would've added the videos where you could've seen them right here,but the system isn't workin properly.
Anyways,I know why my breathing was so difficult and my heart rate increased. I drank coca cola for 3 or 4 days. Hmm?
Also i had my channel on E!,went in my room,came back out and saw Jb on E! news.But i couldn't tape it bcuz-my camera was inside,too much noise & it was almost finished. :(
I got some pics of the lunar eclipse,but i'll add them when my camera starts to work again (stupid thing!!)
Did any one else see the eclipse?? For me,i saw it after 11pm and it was over my backyard,so i got an excellent view.
Well tomorrow,kali will blog,hopefully.She's not doing her job,beacause she was suppose to blog,while i rest.I'm very tired,so bye.
kjonas :)

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

New Layout

good afternoon peoples.Well last night i was bored (forgot i had 5 different sets of hw) so i made a mix of jonas pics and it's now gonna be our new layout. I was suppose to add it on Friday/Saturday,but I'm really bored and hungry (i have somethin to eat in the kitchen,but something is keeping me back) so I'm gonna put it up now. Hope you like it! :)
Well i WAS suppose to add the music playlist today,BUT it isn't working properly,so i'll let kali do that since she always wants to do something.
Any jonas news today,no. I didn't go on any sites besides lovejonas and nickjonline today,and today's blog wasn't really about jb,but the blogspot
Oooh and in garbo's blogspot,he blogged about their new addition to his family (an adopted child from china) aww!

Oh and there is a lunar eclipse tonite,but there is like 15 different times it's gonna show,so i'm just gonna wait until my friend tells me it has started and maybe i'll tape it or something.
Not so sure
kjonas :)

Monday, February 18, 2008

Boring Tuesdays

Good afternoon. Well today is one of those normal Tuesdays which i hate. We have every subject that I hate (except Language!) and the teachers put you to sleep!

Me and kali jonas agreed on deleting our site (which went no where) and we're gonna use the blogspot as a site/blogspot, since we update when we want to and we add a couple of photos sometimes. Later on this week,I'm gonna start on making a new header for the blogspot.This one doesn't fit right.So by 22/02/o8,we will have a new header,plus a music player and stuff.

Credit to for this video-

& this-

Also this-


Hopefully that's about it.well my breathing these days are being very difficult. Kali jonas will also blog for the rest of the week,while i slow down,because I have been up and down and pushed around for 5 days now and it's bothering me!

Finally!! my friend has finally received her cd (thanks for bringin it kali) and she's very happy now. I'm not talkin about kali by the way,but our friend's birthday was almost 3 weeks ago and she finally got the cd!
Also, my language teacher returned my cd safe and sound today. Her fav songs are Just Friends and Hold On. A teacher?? Yeah!!
Also I will be hopefully adding music videos (not only from jb,but others that i like) on the side and the music player might not happen.
We're getting a new header by Saturday (i just need to make it) and well that's about it.
I'll blog on Friday
kjonas :)

Fanlistings and more!

Hey guys.I'm home sick today!Whoohoo!Uh..I mean *cough cough*Yeah so anyway...does anyone know what a fanlisting is?Well it's just what it says,a listing for fans.The puts it better:

A fanlisting is simply an online listing of fans of a subject, such as a TV show, actor, or musician, that is created by an individual and open for fans from around the world to join. There are no costs, and the only requirements to join a fanlisting are your name and country. Fanlistings do not have to be large sites (although some are) - they are just a place where you can have your name listed along with other fans of the same subject. is the original (but not only) web directory for fanlistings, dedicated to uniting fans across the globe.

Cool so here are some Jonas Brothers related fanlistings...go sign up...NOW!


Joe Jonas
interview (I hope KJ hasn't posted this yet!!!) with CosmoGirl!


Sunday, February 17, 2008

Camp Rock and more

Good morning.Well,today I have some jonas news.

1- Jonas Brothers News on Yahoo Music:

2- Hasbro brings Hold On by Jonas Brothers on toothtunes:

3- Popstar Quiz about which Nick is for you:

4-Camp Rock pictures might be added soon.I have a disney account,however,it isn't working at the moment,so if i get the pictures,I'll add them but they'll be TAGGED! Well for certain purposes.

5- Life Story Magazine Scans. I Know this magazine was from since November,but I finally have the pictures (including the one where Nick was sleeping) from the magazine.

& SOS has made it to the top 10 of today's biggest hits.They're #5!!

1.Low (New Radio Mix)Flo Rida
2.No OneAlicia Keys
3.TattooJordin Sparks
4.Teardrops On My GuitarTaylor Swift
5.S.O.S.Jonas Brothers
6.I Don't Wanna StopGood Charlotte
7.Love Like ThisNatasha Bedingfield
8.Sorry (Radio Version)Buckcherry
9.BubblyColbie Caillat

kjonas :)

Saturday, February 16, 2008


It's me KaliJonas again.How was your valentines?? Mine was pretty ok..I got lotss of chocolate,LOL.Then I came home and there was only sappy love music playing on the radio,blehhh.There's only so much love a person can take!! I know it's a little late,but...Happy Valentines!

New JB interview!

Screenshots from when you look me in the eyes...

Image Hosted by

Image Hosted by

Image Hosted by

Kalijonas =]

EDIT by kjonas-SOS was #2 in the week on jan 28th,#5 in the week of feb 4th and this week it's #7.Again,please vote for SOS,That's Just The Way We Roll & When You Look Me In The Eyes on radio disney and WYLMITE on TRL.
And... Kevin said that the album might be released in August,not June/July,well because they'll be going to international countries (eg.UK) then coming back to the US.
Kali, you told me you saw the jonas cd in the mall,but you won't answer your phone so we can talk about the cd.Call me tomorrow kali!!!!! (and i see you made a vday picture which beat out mines by far!!! we'll talk!!)
goodnight everyone,since it's after 8pm.
kjonas :)

Friday, February 15, 2008

A Tale Of Plenty Posts

Today's Post is like 3 different posts put up as 1,because i accidentally deleted 2 of them.So it's gonna be very long!!

Radio Disney has a poll for your favourite spring break song. I voted for When You Look Me In The Eyes,then That's Just The Way We Roll.

Me and my friend voted and when she said That's Just The Way We Roll,it started playing on radio disney.Awkwarddd!!

Also vote for WYLMITE on TRL,bcuz if it makes the countdown,hopefully #1,they'll be on TRL again!! :) Here's the video-

Happiness and Sadness now~ Radio Disney

Happy-WYLMITE went from 20 to 13 on radio disney,in the clip of the next week(the week after this) hopefully they'll be in the top 10!! & that's just the way we roll is still #3.

Not too happy-SOS went from #5 to #7. Why is this happening? VOTE FOR SOS!!!

Well JB posted a new youtube video,on valentines day.Complete RANDOMNESS!!
And well if you have recently checked their bebo page,they have updated it.
That's their official bebo.
And this is the video from ABC-
Oh yeah and in this video,like at 6:09,Kevin says how they're gonna be releasing their 3rd album in August.August???? hmm?

On the local radio station that I listen to every saturday for the top 40 countdown,When You Look Me In The Eyes is SS.Whatever that means? Kali jonas is smart(not saying that im dumb) maybe, she knows what that means.Call me kali or email me?? jeesh!
Well if i have any more news,i'll say it in my next blog or tell kali.

Finally this post is done-kjonas :)

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines Day!!

Happy Valentines DAY!!!!!(^^^^ made by me,kjonas)

Hope you all watched WYLMITE on TRL just now. If u didn't,here's the video. i spent 45 mins by the tv waiting for the video to come up.sigh!

Tomorrow is Sports Day!,so i'll be there whole day and i'm gonna be in a hula hoop competition.Trust me,i practised this evening and i spent 8 minutes and 53 seconds doing that.

Well i see that you all met my friend kali jonas. she'll blog when i'm buzy or if she wants to.She's a really good friend.

Remember I said that I had to write a poem about something/someone that i like/hate or inspires me.Right,well today my teacher read it,(it was about JB) and now she wants to hear their songs!!OMJ i turned my teacher into a jonas fan.I'm shocked!!! A teacher???


Camp Rock Preview.

Radio Disney Top 10 for the week of February 4th.

When You Look Me In The Eyes on TRL 14/02/08

Oh yeah and JB had a new myspace bulletin.

'When You Look Me In The Eyes will have a FIRST LOOK on TRLTOMORROW, FEBRUARY 14th!Immediately following you will be able to vote for the song on the countdown!Make sure you get you and all your friends to start voting after it premieres tomorrow!

Thanks!JB Kevin, Joe & Nick"
Also there is a new Camp Rock Picture. Credit to for the bulletin and picture.

Another Camp Rock Picture..

All Credit goes to!!!!!!!!!! :)

Bye for now.> kjonas :)

P.S that video from TRL took an hour to upload.I have no clue why and it's so short!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Hey, my name is KaliJonas...not to be confused with my good friend kjonas.
My favourite jobro is...JOE!!(of course)
Anyways,the latest news:vote for When You Look Me In The Eyes on radio disney,TRL etc. TRL will show us WYLMITE on valentine's day/february 14th and voting for that particular song starts that day.
Thanks to,writer's strike is almost over,so J.O.N.A.S will be continued and filmed for premiering later on this year.
And also thanks to,there is another life story magazine of the jonas brothers,this one is called 'Year Book.' Cool huh?
Does anyone watch the Tyra Banks show?If so,you can go here to tell Tyra that you'd like to see the Jonas Brothers on the show!

Here is a vid of Joe Jonas and Perez Hilton:

kjonas will be adding a video from radio disney and a couple of pics in her next blog.

So,uhhh that's it for me.You guys will probably be seeing me around alot. I want to wish everyone a Happy Valentines!!Keep loving JOE--uhh..I mean the JOnas Brothers.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

New Bandmate

Hi again. I was just going to say it when it was confirmed by one of the memebers of the jonas brothers band.
Yes,they do have a new band member. His name is Ryan Liestman from Minnesota who is playing the keyboard.
Check out garbo's blogspot here-
If some of you don't know who is garbo,he's the bass guitarrist from the band.
Well,I can't say much today,because i now remembered i have a maths and technology education test tomorrow and i'm so not prepared for both!
Wish me luck.Hopefully i'll pass them both!
kjonas :)

Saturday, February 9, 2008

New Bulletin and more

Afternoon. There is some new jonas news today. There is an article in the US weekly (on stands now) and there is a bulletin they made.
Bulletin- Hey Jonas Brothers Fans!Our Look Me In The Eyes tour is off to an amazing start! We've played a weeks worth of dates and we're so happy to see all of you out there in the crowd!The next leg of dates go on sale tomorrow for the East Coast. We want to be sure you all know we ARE NOT moving forward with the promotion to sell the first 20 rows at the box office. For the East Coast dates that go on sale tomorrow/ Saturday, all tickets go onsale at the exact same time via your normal ticket outlets,, etc… We want to be sure you have the best possible opportunity to get tickets to come see us for our new LOOK ME IN THE EYES Tour!Thanks again for being the best fans ever!Kevin, Joe & Nick.

The US weekly Article.
The Jonas Brothers are well known to their young fan base, but no one knew the family behind the talented teen brothers... until now.In a new ad for Breakfast Breaks, Kevin, 20, Joe, 18, and Nick, 15 introduce the world to their parents, Denise and Kevin Sr., and sib Frankie, 7.Us Weekly presents a first glimpse of the ad — which was shot in Cincinnati in December — in its latest issue, on newsstands now.The bro band recently admitted they're single.

OH MY JONAS!!! I just went on radio and saw this
Week of February 4, 2008

1.Miley Cyrus:Start All Over:7

2.Emily Osment:I Don't Think About It:1

3.Jonas Brothers:That's Just The Way We Roll:6

4.Taylor Swift:Teardrops On My Guitar (Pop Remix):3

5.Jonas Brothers:S.O.S:2

6.Jordin Sparks:Tattoo:8

7.Billy Ray and Miley Cyrus:Ready Set Don't Go:4

8.The Cheetah Girls:Fuego:Debut

9.Aly and AJ:Like Whoa:14

10.Corbin Bleu:Run It Back Again:16

11.Mitchel Musso:Lean On Me:15

12.Carrie Underwood:Ever Ever After:9

13.Keke Palmer:Keep It Movin':11

14.Colbie Caillat:Bubbly:13

15.Miley Cyrus:G.N.O. (Girl's Night Out):10

16.Miley Cyrus as Hannah Montana:Rock Star:21

17.Troy Bolton:Bet on It:12

18.Good Charlotte:I Don't Wanna Be in Love (RD Edit):20

19.Plain White T's:Hey There Delilah:18

20.Jonas Brothers:When You Look Me In The Eyes:--

21.Troy and Gabriella:Gotta Go My Own Way:17

22.Daughtry:Over You:23

23.Chris Brown:With You:26

24.Ashley Tisdale and Lucas Grabeel (as Sharpay and Ryan):Humuhumunukunukua'Pua'A (Remix):24

25.Ashley Tisdale and Lucas Grabeel (as Sharpay and Ryan):Fabulous:19

26.Sara Bareilles:Love Song:29

27.Lucas Grabeel:You Got It:Debut

28.Miley Cyrus:See You Again:--

29.Sean Kingston:Beautiful Girls (RD Edit):25

30.Bowling For Soup:Today is Gonna be a Great Day:--

Well at least WYLMITE is on the countdown now.It's #20!


Friday, February 8, 2008

Jonas!! Jonas!! Jonas!!

Hi everyone.Today we had a valedictory function for our Ex Principal. It lasted from 1pm to 3:30 pm and school ends at 2:40pm.It was very long,but i kinda enjoyed it.

I heard (thanks to that JB are nominated for Kids Choice Awards on nickelodian and don't forget to watch them on Extreme Makeover Home Edition on sunday!! check your local listenings.

They'll be in Utah tonight,so whoever is going to that concert.Have an awesome time!!
i hope when i go Florida,they'll be there too!! And this time i'll actually get to see them!!
Right now,i'm super buzy so there is only one thing i need to say.


kjonas :D

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Radio Disney and boredomness

hi.well today i was soo bored i made this>>>
(trust me the words are ALOT's just quotes he said)
and well i went on various jonas sites (as usual).

I see miley cyrus is being beat down on radio disney. but. the Jonas Brothers are going good with That's Just The Way We Roll!! Last week it was 7 and it's #6! But SOS is still #2 for like 2 weeks now. Year 3000 was 26 last week,but it's 27 now :( but hopefully When You Look Me In The Eyes will make the countdown soon.

Rumours,i don't like them at all. One of the latest is that Joe proposed to Miley. HAHA! ooh that's a good joke. I was just laughing uncontrollably,because there is NO way that is possible

why? oh they both showed many reasons why- 1. when miley was on air with ryan seacrest, she was like NOOOOO,EWWWWW when ryan asked her if she likes Nick's brothers.

2.Joe & Miley?? NO WAY! although in some pictures he'll be closer to her than Nick is,but NO!


Well trying to get away from that ^^^^ i also see that Camp Rock,is suppose to come out June 11th, and that mitchie (demi lovato) and shane (joe jonas) will be singing a song together called This Is Me. I can't wait for that movie to come out.
And soon i'll have a countdown timer for their 3rd album,and Camp Rock and also some pictures from J.O.N.A.S (the pilot that is).
kjonas :)

Monday, February 4, 2008

Chevy Rocks The Future

hey my fellow peeps. Well,i'm all hyped up now,(before i was quite sleepy),because i just found something jb related on the disney site.

here- and play the's really fun!!!!

They are helping to save the environment,that's why they made the casing for the cd from recycled stuff.I'm sure you can make a difference,by saving water,electricity,recycling etc.

go here and u'll see the chevy add somewhere on that page.

Remember,when on tour,get some sleep when you can.Bcuz this>>>>
might happen.
Doesn't Joe look tired to you? But Nick has alot of energy as you can see.
And in some pictures from Life Story (the JB version) it has a couple of pictures where nick came to the studio and just fell asleep. But right now i see Joe looking tired,not Nick.
i'll upload the pictures sometime later on this week.

Well tomorrow,is the last day of "vacation" for me, and it's back to school on Ash Wednesday,(3/4 of the people won't come) but i still have to go.
My brothers are soo lucky.They have no school on Wednesday,but they were also lucky that i was in another mood last night.
On thursday,i saw my jonas brothers cd missing.The casing was on the floor and the cd was upside down on my table. I was clearing up the ground of my room on Sunday and i saw my jonas cd there. It's a good thing i picked it up,because my other brother was runnin and almost mashed it.I would've cried!!
Well anyways,my friend and i are gonna have a chat,so laters
kjonas :D

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Happy February!!

ok well today is Sunday, and february started like 3 days ago,so call me late,but whatever.

Well I'm all hyped up now,well since yesterday. why? because i heard when you look me in the eyes played on a local radio station here.Oh yeah! i freaked out and i called my friend. I listened to that station whole evening until my mp3 battery died.(it's a mp3/radio/recorder/phonebook/notepad. yeah all that in one little device)
"do you see Hello Beautiful by the Jonas Brothers is playing???"

Well i just finished played taxi gone wild on yahoo,because i wanted to play it,but school had ended and well my friend played it,although she was suppose to stay at her module. But i'll play it Wednesday when we have Technology Education again,since me and my partner have nothing else to do until other people are done. (we finished off 15 activities from like september 2007 to january 2008). All we need to do now is study for the bio related technology test.(so not ready for it) and that's about it.

oh yeah and i need to fix the time on this thing. i'll like blog at 11:30am and they'll show like 9am or sumthin.
well it's almost lunch time and well i'm getting hungry
:) kjonas
EDIT: there are a couple of new Jonas Brothers songs from the third album that they played in Arizona recently.
They are: Burning Up, Pushing Me Away, A Little Bit Longer,Take Me On and i think there is more.Also they performed Underdog from their first album in the same concert. hmm? wonder why Underdog of all songs and why from the 2006 album?
well i just got songs from Nicholas Jonas' album. It brings back soo much memories of when i now became i jonas July 2006 i heard the many versions of Time For Me To Fly and Please Be Mine and all their other songs
well that's all for today
kjonas :D