Thursday, April 10, 2008

Videos and the queen.

Hey. well I will not blog tomorrow, but Saturday. There is many news today,well actually videos. I will just put them all up (the links) in Videos. That's all because i was not really planning on blogging today, but i'm bored because my friend's pc isn't working.


They we're obviously featured on Just Jared because of their latest video.
Or read it below.

The Jonas Brothers run into “The Queen of England” on the streets of London.
When Joe greets her, he doesn’t know how to act, so he asks, “Do I bow?”
The Queen also asked for the JoBros‘ autograph, but no one has any paper. So Kevin, Joe and Nick sign the shirt off of her back! Watch the Jonas Brothers meet the Queen of England


TRL: still #9 :(


American Idol:Idol Gives Back. (saw it on tv and just sat there)

JB backstage oprah 1.

JB backstage oprah 2.

JB meeting the queen. (hahahaha)

I think the last video is the most viewed jb video. Well it was only posted today and it has 28,645 views and there is 20 people viewing it. And that's only the youtube users. there are tons of other viewers!!


The jobros meet the "queen of England".

Well Thank Goodness Tomorrow's Friday!! I love Fridays because we don't have long assemblies and only 4 subjects. (since some are double periods).
So i gotta go now because i have to finish off some hw so bye
kjonas :)

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